Tips to Motivate Yourself to Workout At Home

fitness, gym, kettlebells

        Amidst the coronavirus quarantine, many gyms are closed until further notice. This can be difficult to motivate yourself to continue on your daily workout routines. We are forced to workout at home with the many distractions that your house can include (kids, laundry, pets, Netflix, the list goes on and on) It’s important to stay motivated and push yourself even when you’re not around your “fitfam” at the gym.

  1. Set a timer of when you normally do your workouts. (ie: everyday at 4:00) Workout at your house during this exact time. This will keep your schedule and keep you on track.
  2.  Find/create workouts that excite you. Sometimes running, walking, or riding the stationary bike can get boring when you do it everyday. Try interval training, AMREP (as many reps as possible), or EMOM (every minute on the minute) to spice up your workouts. Get excited about trying something new. Google workout suggestions or ask friends/family to send you anything they find. Use a fitness app for even more variety options.
  3. Know your why! Why do you want to work out? Why do you want to get stronger or healthier? Knowing your why sets your motivation into high drive!
  4. Find a Fitness Tribe! Whether it be your “fitfam” from the gym, a group of friends, or your neighbors make a group text message and hold each other accountable. Send the workout you’re doing and a picture when you complete it. Encourage your friends to do the same. Accountability goes a LONG way! Create a fun challenge for your tribe, like whoever works out the most times in 2 weeks gets to celebrate at a restaurant of their choice with the group (and obviously we know you’ll make good food choices when ordering!) 
  5. Short on time? No worries! Set aside 10 minutes, 3 times a day for a walk. The fresh air will feel good and get your heart rate up just enough. Also this will give you some quiet time to reflect on your day and your goals.
  6. Practice social distancing workouts! Meet up with your crew in a large parking lot, crank some music and get a workout going! It’s harder to skip reps when you know you have eyes on you. Hold each other accountable (from at least 6 feet away!) and encourage your friends for getting out there and working out despite the challenges. Air fives all around!

      Most importantly, be proud that you worked out! Regardless of what you did, it was better than skipping the workout. Use that sense of pride to get out there and do it again. We will be right here cheering you on!


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