The Best Cardio for Weight Loss

race, jogging, woman

        Okay, so this title may be a little “click-baity,” but this question arises all the time. Sorry for the letdown, the answer to this dilemma is rather obvious and doesn’t move the needle much in terms of excitement. The best cardio for losing weight is really just whatever cardio that you can consistently accomplish daily. Ideally, that would be whatever type of cardio you enjoy doing the most.  It is true that if you exercise at a high intensity for an hour, you’ll likely burn significantly more calories than if you went for a leisurely walk for that same amount of time. But, on the other hand, if you can’t stay consistent with a high intensity exercise routine and find yourself skipping workouts, or being so sore that you need a rest day, are you really burning more calories at the end of the week or month? Let me answer that one for you, Nope! Therefore, try to choose a physical activity or exercise that you enjoy and make that a part of your daily routine. Trust me, you’ll be motivated and far more likely to stay consistent if you do so.

        Now just because I didn’t necessarily make a bold claim to which specific type of cardio is best for weight loss, doesn’t mean I don’t have my own personal opinions on the topic. With weight loss specifically, resistance training is almost always recommended for clients to help preserve as much of their muscle and lean tissue while they are losing weight. With that being said, the most successful weight loss programs also incorporate some form of cardio to burn calories. My favorite form of cardio is…..WALKING! Surprised? The following are just a few examples of why I feel that walking is the best cardio for losing weight:

  1. Requires no rest days for recovery, you can literally go for a walk everyday.
  2. No equipment or special apparel is necessary, just a comfortable pair of sneakers.
  3. Unlike high-intensity cardio, walking won’t interfere with your resistance training routine. You can perform heavy squats immediately after a long walk with no significant drops in strength, whereas your performance may be hindered after running wind-sprints.
  4. It’s easier to motivate yourself to go for a walk, even a long walk, than it is for a grueling high-intensity hill running session.  Likelihood of staying consistent is higher!
  5. Spend more time outdoors enjoying the fresh air. Take your dog or children with you! Family routines will help keep you consistent.
  6. Enjoyment!  Personally, I enjoy going for walks, especially when the weather is nice, and I don’t even associate it with “exercising.” It’s therapeutic.
  7. You can go for walks with company. True, you can go running with others, but it’s actually possible to hold a conversation while walking. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while and catch up. Also….P.S., it’s a lot easier to find a walking partner 😉
  8. Have a book you’ve been dying to read, or a podcast you’ve been wanting to catch up on? You can enjoy listening to an audiobook or podcast while walking!
  9. There is little to no impact on your bones and joints. Longevity is key!

        Those nine reasons are what I was able to come up with while writing this, and I’m sure there are many others.  Again, I’m not saying walking IS the best cardio for losing weight, this is just my humble opinion. The best cardio is the cardio that you can adopt as a routine that you’ll stick to. Give going for walks a try or choose something that you enjoy doing! I am interested in hearing your thoughts, so comment below on your favorite cardio/ exercise or what you feel is best. 

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