Super Easy Muscle Building, Fat Shredding Meal Prep Idea for the Week

        This has to be one of the easiest meal prep recipes I prepare for the week. Most of the work is already done for you. 

This meal includes:

  • 4oz. store bought marinated pork tenderloin
  • 150g mixture of shredded potatoes, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes, all found in the frozen section of most grocery stores
  • 2 cups frozen broccoli


        The pork goes straight from packaging onto a parchment paper/ foil-lined baking sheet into a 400 degree oven for ~35-40 min. At the same time, mix and season the potatoes and squash in a baking dish and cook in the oven with the pork. Once cooked, let pork rest before slicing for ~10 min. Once sliced, I got about nine 4oz. portions of the pork, therefore I divided the potato mixture into nine equal portions and placed both the pork and potato mixture into containers. Lastly, add the frozen broccoli straight from the bag and season accordingly to taste. I went with hot sauce and “Everything Bagel” seasoning. 


  • Calories: 290 
  • Protein: 28g
  • Carbohydrates: 41g
  • Fat: 2g
  • Fiber: 9g

        This meal contains ~900mg of potassium (an overlooked mineral that most people don’t get enough of), 103% of the RDA for vitamin A, and 111% of the RDA for vitamin C! This meal contains an impressive amount of protein and fiber for less than 300 calories and only has 32 net carbs, making it a perfect option for getting lean.

        Boom! There you have it, a week’s worth of meals ready to heat up. I usually keep half in the refrigerator and freeze the rest. Please share your thoughts and let us know what your go-to meal prep meals are… Thanks

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